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  • 20th Mar 2024

    Weight Gain During Lockdown? – How to lose that weight

    UCD found that 1 in 3 Irish people gained weight during lockdowns. You’d be surprised how many steps you get in from just going to town or a shopping centre and just walking around and browsing. Travel restrictions hamper all of this background exercise that you do.  

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  • Benefits Of Exercising – Make A List

  • So is it better to exercise on an empty stomach or not?

  • Research Shows that Buddies Help Boost Childrens’ Activity Levels

  • Discipline Discipline Discipline

  • Exercising while Cocooning – Our Guide to staying fit at home

  • Getting fit after 40, 50 and 60 – Let’s do it


How long does it take to get fit?

How Long Does it Take to Get Fit? If you’re wondering how long it takes to get fit, the answer is it depends. There are many factors that can impact how quickly you see results, including your current fitness level, diet, and the type of exercise you’re doing. However, there are some general guidelines you […]

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How to Get Fit Fast: Safe Ways to Achieve Your Fitness Goals

How to Get Fit Fast: Safe Ways to Achieve Your Fitness Goals If you’re looking to get fit fast, you’re not alone. Many people want to improve their physical health and fitness, but don’t know where to start. Here are some safe ways to get fit fast and achieve your fitness goals: 1. Set Specific […]

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How to Lose Weight Fast – Should we be asking such a question?

Why do you want to lose weight fast? So, weight loss. What’s it all about? For some it’s about health, for others it’s about looking better for others it’s something else. Why lose weight fast though. So rapidly as if once it’s gone, everything will be fine. Different cultures even have different views on fat. […]

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In 2016 It’s Time To Treat Your Body Like A Business

If you’re like me you may have had loads of business ideas over the years but only started some of those businesses because you felt that certain things weren’t perfect. I sometimes look back and dwell on ideas I had, started the planning, but never went through with. Of course, I know that’s a bad […]

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Losing Weight Safely with a Personal Trainer

Losing Weight Safely with Personal Trainer David Sisk Fitness Are you looking to shed those extra pounds, but don’t know where to start? Personal trainer David Sisk Fitness is here to help. With his expert guidance and personalised approach, you can safely and effectively lose weight and reach your fitness goals. Food Plans Diet plays […]

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