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Read the small print not just the headlines

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At David Sisk Fitness we constantly keep up with evolving science when it comes to exercise, nutrition, etc. In a recent UK weekend section the headline ” As spinning bikes are linked to a rise in women’s pelvic problems, you could be …….Spinning into incontinence” appeared. In brief the article seemed to rely on one […]

Discipline Discipline Discipline

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Many clients at David Sisk Fitness have, over the years, asked for the “silver bullet” on fat loss. They want the once a day diet, the easy diet, the magic drink, the magic training session. The disappointing news is that there is no magic. There are certainly different training modes that burn more calories or […]

Getting fit after 40, 50 and 60 – Let’s do it

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  How to start getting fit and getting in shape at any age Committed to getting fit The first step in getting fit at 20, 30, 40, 50 or 60 is to get in the right frame of mind. Sometimes by signing up to personal training sessions or fitness courses you’re already taken that first […]